What is 'truth' in a culture where so many inexplicably have chosen to elevate opinions over facts? This political blog examines the radical Right's war on reality, science and the American Way through a collection of essays and responses to whatever misinformation, propaganda or absolute nonsense has gotten under my skin on any given day. In a digital era where conspiracy theories and outright lies can be amplified to the point that people perceive them to be on equal footing with established fact, you will find a refreshing reliance on legitimate sources of information here.
Welcome to the No Bullshit Zone.
Liberals are not the horrible ogres we've been unfairly labeled in recent years by Conservative media outlets. We simply subscribe to what is, to our way of thinking, a more compassionate worldview: one that feels our nation is morally obligated to pay tangible respect to our workers; our veterans; our children; all individuals regardless of race, class, sexual orientation or creed; the environment; and to protect the most vulnerable members of our society from destitution. We endeavor to do this peacefully, by volunteering in our communities, endorsing education and critical thinking skills, paying our taxes with pride and condemning the deliberate exploitation of working-class Americans by a wealthy and powerful Elite. The push by Conservative media to discredit Liberals as taxation-happy parasites who contribute nothing of value to society, and who want nothing more than to indiscriminately abort babies and take away your guns, is insulting--an insidiously-propagated fantasy.
In reality, Liberals like myself desire 4 things above all: respect, responsibility, accountability and compassion for/from all Americans.
I am an educated, middle-aged, White woman living the lower-middle-class American Dream. I don't make enough money to live a truly extravagant lifestyle, yet I'm very keenly aware that I'm still privileged in many ways--and I'm grateful for that privilege. In spite of my comparatively limited income, I don't mind paying taxes so we all can enjoy things like safe roads, bridges, foods and medications; a strong military; free public education for our children; and, most importantly, freedom.
The freedom Americans have fought and died for over the last 244 years means I don’t have to worry that I’ll be arrested and tortured as a political dissident for publishing this blog, or for publicly shouting that I think Donald Trump is the worst president in the history of our nation. It means any of us freely can cross from our home state into a neighboring state without a passport or having to go through an official checkpoint. It means we have the right to peacefully protest things we feel are unjust. It means we can practice the religion of our choice—or no religion at all. It means we are afforded a personal stake in how our representatives and leaders are selected, because we can vote in free and fair elections.
But this tremendous freedom you and I enjoy that first was bought by our revolutionary ancestors is not--contrary to popular belief--paid for. "Free and fair" has always been in question because of an entrenched, elitist class determined to disenfranchise Americans who don't meet what they feel are the 'correct' criteria for having a political voice. In a country that, from its inception, considered all White men to be created equal, but in which all women and non-White citizens have had to fight for true socioeconomic equality and justice even into the 21st century, we still have a lot of work to do.
I truly appreciate you visiting this site. Some of what you read here will get salty from time to time, and for that I apologize in advance. However, even if you disagree with what I have to say on any particular topic, or how I express it, I still respect your point of view. That is what is missing from American political discourse as I write this: respect for differing points of view, and a willingness to compromise. The world is far too nuanced to view only in black and white.
From my heart, thank you for your support of a movement that embraces integrity. Please consider also connecting with my Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts, and encouraging your friends to do the same. This a nascent project, one I've wanted to realize for 10 years. I would be remiss if I didn't give sincere thanks to our current president and very own wannabe dictator, Donald 'Penis Potato' Trump, for finally galvanizing me into action to get this website off the ground with his outrageous ignorance, his dangerous incompetence and his administration's continuous assault on the principles that I and others of my ilk hold dear.
If I can promise you one thing, it is this: no matter what underhanded techniques Trump and the extreme right-wing media machinery that supports him try, we will not give up.
We are the Revolution.
Logic and reason will prevail.
And you can fucking quote me on that.
- CowMojo, July 2020
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